Top 10: Appetite Suppressants

No.10 Apples

You’ve heard the saying: ”An apple a day (no, not an Apple jingle girl) keeps the doctor away,” and now apples may do more than just that. One large apple supplies approximately 5 grams of fiber, which fills the stomach up for a longer period of time. Additionally, the sugars found in apples do not influence blood sugar levels as much as starchy carbohydrates do, meaning you’ll have a reduced risk of a blood-sugar spike followed by a crash.

No.9 Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are becoming a more popular way of getting in your essential fatty acids, but they also offer a good dose of soluble fiber to your diet. Sprinkle these little appetite suppressants into your yogurt or cottage cheese and you’ll provide your body with some slow-digesting fats to go along with the protein that’s already very satisfying.

No.8 Caffeine

Caffeine is a daily part of most of our lives, yet many of us don’t realize the appetite-suppressing properties that caffeine has. This stimulant is most noted for its energizing effect along with its ability to help keep you awake during that mid-morning meeting. When taken in moderate doses, however, as the central nervous system is stimulated, you’ll also tend to experience a decreased appetite.

No.7 Water

Staying well hydrated is another very important thing you must do if you hope to prevent hunger. Not only do we often mistake hunger for thirst, but when we are dehydrated we are more apt to feel tired, causing us to attribute this fatigue for a food shortage. If you truly are tired and lacking sleep, keep in mind that your brain will release a hormone telling your body that you’re hungry when, in fact, you are not.

No.6 Hoodia

Hoodia is a supplement that many people believe helps them control their hunger. Hoodia originated from Africa and was primarily used by hunters when they went out on hunting expeditions to prevent hunger pains from shortening their trip. Be aware, however, that it can take a few days to exert its affects; if you don’t feel anything at first, wait it out before making judgments

No.5 Chicken & vegetable soup

Starting your meal off with soup is another way to reduce your appetite. Hot liquids in general tend to take the edge off hunger and since there are so few calories per cup, you can eat a good volume to fill your stomach. Chicken and vegetable soup is your best bet since the small amount of protein in the chicken will curb your hunger longer, while the vegetables and fluid will instantly fill you up.

No.4 Wasabi

Consuming spicy foods also helps to suppress the appetite. So next time you’re having sushi or fish try adding some wasabi to it to really tame your appetite. In addition to hunger suppression, wasabi has also been known to help protect against cancer and provide anti-inflammatory effects.

No.3 Oatmeal

Starting your day off with unsweetened oatmeal is a great way to prevent hunger later on in the morning. Oatmeal contains more dietary fiber than most cereal and is very low in sugars, meaning it’s not going to leave you with a blood-sugar crash. Add some cinnamon, unsweetened applesauce or a touch of sugar-free maple syrup for added flavor.

No.2 Salmon

Salmon works well to reduce your appetite due to the healthy fat it contains. Protein-rich foods are the most satiating nutrient upon being eaten, but fat is what has staying power to keep you feeling satisfied in the hours to come. By eating salmon, you’ll get the best of both worlds.

No.1 Almonds

Finally, almonds are another great source of healthy fats and make for a great snack between meals -- provided you watch portion sizes. Note that the hunger-reducing effects of nuts tend to take about half an hour before you feel them, so eat them before you reach the point of being extremely hungry or you’ll be tempted to eat more than just the nuts.

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Scalloped Tomatoes

A tasty and different sidedish! Add some grated cheese on top for extra flavor!


  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil
  • 4 teaspoons brown sugar
  • 5 tomatoes, sliced
  • 2 cups white bread cubes


  • 1 Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
  • 2 Saute butter and onion in a medium saucepan until onion is transparent. Place salt, pepper, basil, brown sugar and tomatoes into the saucepan, stir. Stir in bread until all of the ingredients are well seasoned.
  • 3 Pour the tomato bread mixture into a greased 9x13 inch casserole. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes. Enjoy. 
  • Nutritional Info
    • Calories: 140
    • Protein: 2.3g
    • Carbohydrates: 15.6g
    • Fat: 8.3g
    Other Dietary Information
    • Cholesterol: 20mg
    • Dietary Fiber: 2.1g
  • Preparation Time 10 min
  • Cooking Time 30 min
  • 6 servings
Main Ingredient

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